The last week of school ending with tests every day. But during the learning I have a lot of free time so I made a drawing on my new drawing tablet from Jeffrey Campbell shoes. What do you think? (Only paint ruins the black lines a little bit)
Last Saturday I celebrated my Sweet 16 for my friends. What you can expect from our party's? A lot of fun, special gifts, weird conversations and so on. All together a big party!
And the weekend is over again. The weather isn't even nice (it actually storms) I'm really happy today. Wanna know why? Because it's my 16 birthday today! What if done this weekend? Party, Party and again Party!
When I was in France, I bought a backing mix for macarons. So I tried making this, because I always wanted to and they always look so nice. But it isn't as easy as it looks...
I found this pictures on weheartit and I really wanted to share this with you. I don't have really much time to write anything because a lot of homework. Only 3 weeks until vacation. Have fun with this cute rings :3.
Here's the receipt for a banana - honey smoothie I made yesterday. My father received a big pot full of honey, because he helped someone at work. I love sweet honey!
How to survive until summer vacation? Introduce a dress code for everyday until freedom. Smile! And you have a beautiful project. Putting all the photo's together.The result: A beautiful collage of pictures with your friend. That's a little bit the idea. Today's dress code: Red lips.
I wanted All Stars for a really long time (they were also on my fashion wishlist). They were a kind of gift from my mom (love!). I bought them on the Internet and Tuesday they came with the post. I've chosen for dark blue. A girl always become happy from a new pair of shoes :). Do you have All Stars?
Last time I've seen a lot of accessories with wings. Earrings, rings even sunglasses. What do you think of this trend? And do you have these accessories? Here's some inspiration: